
1. I was interviewed on the Anti Authoritarian podcast about countering political violence in the United States (main interview runs from 3:04-19:00), released August 1, 2024.


2. I was interviewed about pro-democracy movements and countering authoritarianism internationally at the Global Peace Hub of the Swedish Development Forum on October 4, 2023.


3. I was interviewed for the podcast Making Peace Visible about media coverage of civil resistance movements on June 16, 2023.


4. I was interviewed for the Brazilian podcast Como Evitar o Golpe ("How to Avoid a Coup"), which was translated into Portuguese and released October 19, 2021.


5. I was interviewed by KBCS 91.3 - Seattle about my work on Hold the Line. Published October 28, 2020.


6. I was interviewed by the podcast Tech for Good Live about my work on Hold the Line.  Published October 26, 2020.


7. I was interviewed by Nonviolence Radio about my work on Hold the Line. Published October 26, 2020.

A written excerpt of the interview is also available here.


8. I was interviewed twice (June 22 and June 28, 2020) for the radio show "Solutions to Violence" on Forward Radio.

Interview starts at 2:44

Interview starts at 3:03


9. The French magazine Nouvel Obs published an interview with me titled: "Liban, Hong Kong, Iran... les visages d’une révolte mondiale" ("Lebanon, Hong Kong, Iran ... the faces of a world revolt") on November 22, 2019.


10. I was interviewed on April 12, 2019 for the Podcasting Social Work podcast on the intersection between civil resistance, social movements, and social work.


11. Here is a print interview with me by ProMosaik, published in published on March 16, 2017.


12. Released in May 2016, Civil Resistance: The Power of the People is a 51-minute radio documentary that aired on the show America Abroad on National Public Radio stations around the United States. I gave the opening interview and was interviewed again at 28:20.


13. Below are excerpts from an interview I gave to the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict in June 2009. They created the titles to various excerpts below.

Why Learn about Civil Resistance

Foundational Ideas of Civil Resistance

Civil Resistance and External Actors

Violent versus Nonviolent Resistance

Unity and Coalition Building

Dissolving an Opponent's Power

Misconceptions about Civil Resistance

Civil Resistance versus Nonviolence

Terms for Nonviolent Conflict